If you are a Lender who wants to charge a Renter for a particular reason, then you can now do so from within your Dashboard.
To do this, go to the Order page of your rental from My Rentals, press "Manage My Rental" and then "Request to charge". You can then select a reason for the charge and choose the amount you'd like to request.
Once submitted, the Renter can then either accept or decline this request. If they decline it, the case is then escalated to HURR.
NB: You can only request to charge a Renter up to 3 weeks after the rental End Date and from 5 days before the rental Start Date. If a Renter accepts the charge then you will be paid out accordingly.
You may wish to request to charge your Renter if theyโve asked to extend their rental with you or if any repairs are needed doing to the item on its return.
Top tip: it's always a good idea to communicate with a Renter before requesting any charges, this way you can come to a fair amount together!