No need to panic! Our Fit Guarantee Policy is here to save the day. If your item doesn’t fit, you can request a partial refund.
You’ll get a full refund minus the dry cleaning and delivery fee. The dry cleaning fee will be added to your account as credit, so you can use it towards another rental anytime. You can find the dry cleaning and postage costs in the rental price breakdown.
👗 Open your rental on the day it arrives.
🗓️ If you need to request a Fit Guarantee, do so on the first day you receive the rental. The item must be back in the post the following day. Failure to return on time will impact your right to a refund.
To request a Fit Guarantee:
- Go to your ‘In Progress Rentals’ to find the right rental.
You can either select "THIS ITEM DOESN'T FIT" from here or, click on "VIEW DETAILS" to do this within the rental. details page.

All done! Now pack and return your rental.
What happens if my rental has arrived early?
No problem! You can still utilise our Fit Guarantee Policy. The option to use this feature will appear at some stage within the first 24 hours of your original rental start date.
If your rental was from a private Lender on the site, we advise notifying them right away that you will filing a Fit Guarantee once the button is available.
Please note, if the item hasn't been returned, we can't provide a refund.