🧮 Charging a late fee is at the discretion of the Lender. We encourage lender's not to attempt charges that are disproportionate to the delay or circumstance.
Head to the Rental Details Page, as you will need your pricing breakdown:

In the example above, the rental was for 8 days with a rental fee of £100. We can calculate the day rate to be £12.50 (£100/8). This will be the maximum daily rate a lender can charge for a late return. We don't support a late charge higher than £25 per day.
☝️ Its important Lenders remain fair, as a lack of flexibility for special circumstances, and attempts to overcharge renters impacts the wider Lending community.
If the item was 7 days late, you would multiple this by the rental day rate (£12.50). The late fee here would be £87.50.
🚚 Items should be returned using a next day, fully tracked and signed for service. Allowing for some flexibility an item should reasonably be returned 1-3 days after the rental end date. Consider this when determining how many days late an item is.
ℹ️ Late fees are outlined in HURR's Terms of Service. If you need our assistance in charging a late fee, HURR will determine the appropriate charge. Please note this amount is final.