If your item isn’t in great condition upon arrival, follow these steps:

  1. Notify the Lender within 24 hours: Let the Lender know as soon as you spot any issues - you must take this step.
  2. Open your rental promptly: We recommend checking your rental the day it arrives.
  3. Take a photo: Snap a picture of the issue immediately. Your phone will automatically time-stamp it, which helps with documentation.
  4. Communicate via HURR Messenger: Inform the Lender about the problem through our messaging service. You can locate the Lender via the rental details page or via your message dashboard. Quick communication is key to a smooth resolution. If it’s a "Managed" item from HURR, contact us directly for assistance using the help icon at the bottom right of the page.
  5. Return the item within 24 hours: Unless you and the Lender agree on a discounted rate due to the issue, the item should be returned within 24 hours of reporting the problem. If the item is not returned within 24 hours, your rights to a refund are impacted.
  6. Contact our support team if needed: If you’re unable to resolve the issue with the Lender in 72 hours, reach out to our (lovely) support team. Provide your order number, details of your communication with the Lender, and any helpful pictures. We will always ensure you have taken steps to resolve any issues directly with your Lender first, so please do reach out to them ahead of time.

We’re here to help ensure your rental experience is smooth and enjoyable!